Kristján Oddsson

A software engineer with a penchant for working with Web Platform features and hacking on small projects has created posts and notes on this website.



A path in a forest or a wooden area. There’s a black and white medium sized dog sitting on the path. The dog is wearing a harness and a leash as well as a gray dog-hoodie.

A black and white dog sleeping on a couch with a head covering.

A picture of a floor. On the floor is a carpet and a table. On the table is an open laptop and some headphones and sunglasses. On the carpet is a black and white dog laying by my feet sleeping. The dog is wearing a gray shirt.

A black and white dog sitting on the floor. The dog is mid yawn.

A black and white dog asleep on a sofa. He’s resting his head on a pillow. The dog is wearing a camouflage shirt with orange accents. There’s a Nintendo Switch controller below his head on the pillow.

A black and white dog laying in their side on a gray mattress. The dogs body extends past the edge of the bed in a way where one would think he would have fallen off the edge by now.

A rocky beach with some bits of trash lying around. There’s some greenery. In the background across the water are some buildings. In the foreground is some concrete pavement and a black and white dog is standing on it.

A close up of my dogs face on a operating table. He appears to be knocked out with his eyes slightly opens and his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth.

A picture of my dog Tofu. He’s just standing there.
